Move to manage diabetes

Your prescription is simple: get off the couch .

* Exercise
Thanks to desk jobs and TV, many of us sit or lie down for as many as 22 hours a day! Your job is to move your body much more often. You'll start slowly, and it won't feel like punishment- it will feel terrific!

* Medicine
For people with diabetes, exercise acts like medicine. Exercise boosts your cells' sensitivity to insulin, which allows them to soak up more glucose, lowering your blood glucose level. That makes it one of the best things you can do to manage diabetes. It could even help you get off insulin or diabetes medication, or at least lower your dose.

* Walking
Walking will be your main form of exercise. Your goal: to walk for 40-60 minutes, five to seven times a week. Also, sneak in other exercise by taking the stairs or playing ball with the kids. When you walk, you'll trim the fat around your abdomen- the dangerous fat linked with diabetes and heart disease. You'll crank up your metabolism, so your body bums more kilojoules even when you're sitting still. You'll also lower your body's levels of stress hormones, which raise blood glucose.

* Strength
To help you lose weight and boost your metabolism, add resistance, or strength, training to your exercise arsenal, which will tone your muscles, blast belly fat and burn kilojoules and speed up your metabolism. That means that once you get in shape, your body will eat up more kilojoules even when you're sleeping or standing still.